"A good leader goes through some things, but without patience longevity is unobtainable."

Deacon Labachaa

I’m Deacon Labachaa and I give myself to learning the laws of the Most High and meditate therein to teach my people Israel on a higher level. The one thing I can share with brothers and sisters is that the Word of the Most High is more than just Esau, Esau, and Esau. It’s about being renewed in your mind. A man that cannot change to the image of GOD, which is meant for him to be, is destined to die. I thank the Most High GOD for the fellowship with the brothers of Israel United in Christ. I have grown in the faith to that of a deacon and it is both an honor and a great responsibility. To be among these great men of Israel United in Christ is a blessing to me. I have watched these men and know them. They keep the commandments in the faith of Christ. Their mind is according to my mind and I see the vision these brothers have for Israel. The vision is to gather all the tribes of Israel and establish working congregations in every city and state. Also, to care for and teach our children, and if it be the Lord’s will, take this truth to the next level.

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Meet The Deacons of IUIC