"No matter what you go through in this truth, never give up."

Deacon Malachiyah

I’m Deacon Malachiyah, a messenger of YHWH. I am the youngest of all the deacons in the truth but I let no man despise my youth. I have been learning and laboring in this truth for several years and am still learning. Not only that, but I am from the tribe of Benjamin. My goal in the truth is to become seasoned and strong to teach my fellow tribesmen in each of the islands. That is a lot of work because there are a lot of islands in the Caribbean.

I pray to become an evangelist and set up different churches just like the apostle Paul did, if it be the Lord’s will. That is not an easy thing. It is more than just teaching men scriptures. It is leading by example and always having a plan of action. A leader must be proactive as opposed to reactive to guide a man to first clean his own life up and then his wife and kids. Leaders must be able to establish a working network for Israel to grow. For now, I am in mystery Babylon ravening the truth like a wolf. Run for safety to all of you that do evil.

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