


Death, Burial and Depression

The Holy Bible addresses many sensitive subjects like the death of our loved ones, and we should no longer rely upon society to teach us their traditions.Psalms ...
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Honor Thy Father and Mother, Raising Children

For your children to honor you, you must begin understanding how to raise children according to the Most High’s laws. We must start with understanding the ...
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Mothers and Daughters

The Israelite women today must be set back in order according to the holy scriptures. The order between man and woman is grossly misinterpreted and has led to ...
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From Young Man To Man

The true role of a man has been misconstrued today. Many Israelite men fit the common stereotype of not being able to get an education, ...
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Marriage according to the Most High is about a man taking on the responsibilities of becoming a husband and a woman taking on the responsibilities of becoming ...
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What If I Married An Unbeliever?

Husbands and wives often marry for the wrong reasons as proven but eventually one spouse gets called by the Lord to repent and the other is stubborn, ...
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